Line Clipping Program Using C Programming
🎯 Introduction
Line clipping is an essential technique used in computer graphics to determine which portions of a line lie within a specified window or viewport. The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm is one of the most widely used line clipping algorithms. It efficiently identifies and discards the line segments outside the specified window, thus optimizing rendering and improving visual performance. In this blog post, we will update and explain a C program that implements the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. We will provide a detailed explanation of the algorithm, its concept, and walk through the code to understand how it clips lines efficiently.
🎯 Concept: Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm
The Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm is a simple and efficient technique to clip a line against a rectangular clipping window. It divides the 2D space into nine regions using four boundary lines: left, right, top, and bottom. These regions are determined by assigning codes to each point (endpoints of the line) based on their relative positions with respect to the clipping window.
The algorithm works as follows:
Assign a four-bit binary code to each endpoint of the line based on its position relative to the clipping window. The four bits represent the left, right, top, and bottom regions.
Check if both endpoints have a zero code (inside the window). If so, the line is completely inside the window, and no further processing is required.
If both endpoints have a non-zero code and share at least one common bit value (AND operation of the codes is not zero), the line is entirely outside the window, and it can be rejected.
If the above conditions are not met, perform the Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm to find the intersection points of the line with the window boundaries and update the line endpoints accordingly.
🎯 Line Clipping Program Program
#define Round(val)((int)(val+.5))
int maxx, maxy, miny, minx;
void main() {
int gd = DETECT, gm;
void clipping(int xa, int ya, int xb, int y);
int xa, xb, ya, yb;
printf("Enter the window coordination");
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &minx, &maxy, &maxx, &miny);
printf("Enter the two and points for the line");
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &xa, &ya, &xb, &yb);
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
rectangle(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
line(xa, ya, xb, yb);
void clipping(int xa, int ya, int xb, int yb) {
int Dx = xb - xa, Dy = yb - ya, steps, k;
int visible1 = 0, visible2 = 0;
float xin, yin, x = xa, y = ya;
if (abs(Dx) > abs(Dy))
steps = abs(Dx);
steps = abs(Dy);
xin = Dx / (float) steps;
yin = Dy / (float) steps;
putpixel(Round(x), Round(y), 2);
for (k = 0; k < steps; k++) {
x += xin;
y += yin;
if ((y > miny && y < maxx)) {
visible1 = 1;
putpixel(Round(x), Round(y), 2);
} else
visible2 = 1;
if (visible1 == 0)
outtextxy(20, 200, "complextely visible");
if (visible1 == 1 && visible2 == 1)
outtextxy(20, 20, "partialy visible");
if (visible1 == 1 && visible2 == 0)
outtextxy(20, 20, "completly visible");
🎯 Detailed Explanation
The program starts by defining the necessary header files (stdio.h, conio.h, graphics.h, and math.h) and a macro Round to round off floating-point numbers to the nearest integer.
The global variables maxx, maxy, miny, and minx are declared to store the window coordinates.
The clipping function is declared before the main function to handle the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.
In the main function, the user is prompted to input the window coordinates and the line's endpoints.
The initgraph function initializes the graphics system, and rectangle and line functions are used to draw the window and the original line, respectively.
The clipping function takes the endpoints of the line as input and clips the line using the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.
The algorithm calculates the differences Dx and Dy between the x and y coordinates of the endpoints, respectively, and determines the number of steps required to move from one endpoint to the other. The larger of the two differences is used to compute the number of steps.
The algorithm then calculates the increments xin and yin in the x and y directions, respectively, for each step.
The clipping function iterates through each step and updates the x and y coordinates accordingly. It checks if the current point lies within the clipping window's boundaries (between minx, maxx, miny, and maxy). If it does, the point is marked as visible using putpixel.
The visible1 and visible2 flags are used to determine if any part of the line is inside the window (completely visible) or outside the window (completely invisible).
After the line is clipped and points are plotted, the function displays the appropriate message using outtextxy based on visibility.
🎯 Summary
In this blog post, we covered the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm, a fundamental technique in computer graphics for efficiently determining which portions of a line lie within a specified window. We updated and explained a C program that implements the algorithm. The code prompts the user to input the window coordinates and line endpoints, and it then uses graphics functions to draw the window and the original line. The clipping function efficiently clips the line and displays appropriate messages based on visibility. By understanding the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm, you now have a powerful tool to efficiently handle line clipping tasks in your own graphics projects.
🎯 Key Points
Line clipping is essential in computer graphics to determine which parts of a line are visible within a specified window or viewport.
The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm efficiently clips lines against a rectangular clipping window.
The algorithm divides the 2D space into nine regions based on the window boundaries and assigns binary codes to each endpoint accordingly.
Using bitwise operations, the algorithm quickly determines if a line is entirely inside, outside, or partially inside the clipping window. This step helps in efficiently discarding portions of the line that are not visible.
The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm works efficiently with rectangular clipping windows but might need adaptations for more complex clipping regions.
The C program provided demonstrates the implementation of the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for line clipping. It takes user inputs for window coordinates and line endpoints and visually displays the original line and the clipped line (if necessary).
The program uses the graphics.h library, which may not be available in modern C compilers or on some platforms. For modern graphics programming, consider using libraries like OpenGL, DirectX, or SDL.
Computer Graphics Programs
2D Computer Graphics Programs
3D Computer Graphics Programs