2D Translation Rectangle Program Using C Programming
🎯 Introduction
In computer graphics, translating an object means moving it from one position to another within the coordinate space. In this blog post, we will explore a C programming implementation of a 2D rectangle translation program using the graphics.h library. The program allows users to draw a rectangle by specifying its starting point, height, and width. Additionally, it demonstrates how to translate the rectangle to a new position based on user-defined translation coordinates. We will provide a detailed explanation of the concepts involved, step-by-step implementation, and the key points to understand.
🎯 Concept
The concept of 2D translation involves changing the position of an object in a 2-dimensional plane without altering its size, shape, or orientation. In the rectangular context, translation shifts the rectangle to a new location specified by the user through translation coordinates.
🎯 2D Translation Rectangle Example Program
void RectAngle(int x, int y, int Height, int Width);
void Translate(int x, int y, int Height, int Width);
void main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
int x, y, Height, Width;
// Initialize the graphics system
initgraph(&gd, &gm, " ");
printf("Enter the First point for the Rectangle:");
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
printf("Enter the Height&Width for the Rectangle:");
scanf("%d%d", &Height, &Width);
// Draw the original rectangle
RectAngle(x, y, Height, Width);
// Translate the rectangle
Translate(x, y, Height, Width);
// Draw the translated rectangle
RectAngle(x, y, Height, Width);
void RectAngle(int x, int y, int Height, int Width)
// Draw the four sides of the rectangle
line(x, y, x + Width, y); // Top side
line(x, y, x, y + Height); // Left side
line(x + Width, y, x + Width, y + Height); // Right side
line(x, y + Height, x + Width, y + Height); // Bottom side
void Translate(int x, int y, int Height, int Width)
int Newx, Newy, a, b;
printf("Enter the Translation coordinates:");
scanf("%d%d", &Newx, &Newy);
// Calculate the new position of the rectangle after translation
a = x + Newx;
b = y + Newy;
// Draw the translated rectangle
RectAngle(a, b, Height, Width);
🎯 2D Translation Rectangle Program Explanation
Header Files:
The necessary header files are included in the program. The graphics.h library provides functions for drawing basic shapes and is widely used in C programming for simple graphics applications.
RectAngle Function:
This function is responsible for drawing the rectangle on the screen. It takes four arguments - the initial position (x, y) and the height and width of the rectangle. The function uses the line() function from the graphics.h library to draw lines between the specified points, forming a rectangle.
Translate Function:
The Translate function handles the translation of the rectangle. It takes the current position (x, y) of the rectangle, as well as the height and width, as input. The user is prompted to enter the translation coordinates (Newx and Newy). The function then clears the screen using cleardevice() and calculates the new position (a, b) of the rectangle after translation by adding the translation coordinates to the initial position. Finally, it calls the RectAngle function to draw the translated rectangle.
Main Function:
The main function initializes the graphics system using initgraph() and prompts the user to enter the initial position (x, y) of the rectangle, as well as its height and width. It then calls the RectAngle function to draw the original rectangle. After the user presses any key, the screen is cleared, and the Translate function is called, allowing the user to enter translation coordinates. The translated rectangle is then drawn using the RectAngle function.
🎯 Summary
In this blog post, we explored a C programming implementation of a 2D rectangle translation program using the graphics.h library. The program allows users to draw a rectangle at a specified position and subsequently translate it to a new location by entering translation coordinates. Understanding 2D translation is essential in computer graphics, as it forms the basis for various transformations and animations.
Key Points
2D translation involves moving an object in a 2-dimensional plane without changing its size or shape.
The graphics.h library provides functions for simple graphics applications in C programming.
The line() function is used to draw lines and create a rectangle.
The program uses the initgraph() function to initialize the graphics system.
The RectAngle() function draws the rectangle based on the specified coordinates and dimensions.
The Translate() function handles the translation of the rectangle to a new position.
Translation coordinates are added to the initial position to calculate the new position of the rectangle.
Computer Graphics Programs
2D Computer Graphics Programs
3D Computer Graphics Programs